Publications & Results

We have several results and publications linked to our research group

Scientific Papers:

VALENTE, F. J.; COLENCI NETO, A. . Intelligent Steel Inventory Tracking with IoT / RFID. In: IEEE RFID-TA 2017, 2017, Varsóvia - Polônia. IEEE RFID-TA 2017. New York / USA: IEEE, 2017. p. 158-163.

COLENCI NETO, A. ; VALENTE, F. J. . Internet das Coisas na Manufatura Avançada: Caso da Produção de Mudas de Cana de Açucar. In: Enegep - XXXVII - Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção, 2017, Joinville - SC - Vrasil. XXXVII - ENEGEP, 2017.

Challenges Participation

Having as one of the main objectives of the group the participation in Innovation Challenges and Business Ideas, we already participated in several events, among them:

UNICODE - Hackathon da Empresa Monitora;

SancaThon - Hackathon da EESC USP;

BootCamp da Fatec São Carlos - 2016, 2017 e 2018;

AceleraStartup promovido pela CIESP - Outubro de 2017;

Desafio InovaPaula Souza - Edição 2015, 2016, 2017;

Escola de Inovadores do Centro Paula Souza - 1o Edição 2017;

Startup Weekend São Carlos - edição 2015 e 2016;

Hackathon Serasa Experian - edição 2016 e 2017;

Course Completion Work

In undergraduate courses a final work is required. Giot members develop their work, being it a scientific article or a monograph, based on the projects they worked as members in the Giot.

We currently have 12 TCC's finalized and another 4 in progress.

Congresses & Fairs

As a way to keep up to date we are constantly participating in events and congresses.

SuperLogica Xperience 2018;

Campus Party 2018;


VI Seminário Regional de Gestão do Conhecimento - UFSCar;